Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!
I am feeling better today. I worked in the garden planting a few more flowers. I am on a mission to grow the largest pink peonies. They are one of my favorites. I also have yellow chrysanthemums which should yield a nice large flower, too.
Today I am sharing another story while growing up on the farm.
It was a couple of days before my birthday and my sister whispered in my ear that mom was planning a party. Hosting gatherings came natural for her because she loved having company. The night before my birthday, my godmother Mary and godfather Ernie came to visit. They had a special present and wanted me to open it that night. I slowly untied the pretty bow and opened the box. My eyes lit up as I pulled the dress out of the box. It was emerald green on top with a pink ribbon that tied in the back and white pleats. They asked me to model it, so I ran into the bathroom and slipped it on. I felt like a princess, it was pretty, and the material was lightweight. I walked into the kitchen and everyone stopped to stare at me. Mary my godmother said, "it fits her perfectly." I went over and gave Mary and Ernie a big hug to thank them for my birthday dress.
As I jumped into bed I thought about my birthday party and how fun it was going to be. We woke up early and mom had breakfast ready. We ate and then put our play clothes on to help with the decorations. My mom had music on and was dancing with her broom as she cooked up a storm in the kitchen. That meant she was happy, and it was going to be a good day. We went out and blew up the balloons, covered the tables with a birthday linen which matched the plates and cups. My mom made her special punch with orange slices. I stopped to look at the punch bowl as the sun sparkled off it. Everything was perfect. After we finished, we went back to the house to dress for the party. My friends from school started to arrive and were sitting at the table along with my cousins.
My dad had the barbecue going. My mom and her sister Mercy along with Mary helped with the side dishes. We finished brushing our hair and ran to the front door. All three of us tried to fit through the doorway at the same time and I ended up falling and scraping my knee and hand. My mom came running as I cried. She hugged me and helped me up. I told her my dress was ruined and my knee was bleeding along with my hand. She cleaned my scrapes and then applied red medicine. As I cried, she tied a red balloon to my wrist. She said when I have pain to pull on the string and my pain would go away. I stopped crying as I looked at the balloon. 🎈 The party was perfect. 🎂
As I got older, the red balloon which became my safety blanket as a child reappeared because of the trials and tribulations I was experiencing. My daughter and good friend sometimes had to pop it before I floated away. The red balloon had taken me from a child, teenager and senior. 🎈In the past couple of months, I have released the red balloon for someone who may need it. I have become a stronger person inside and out. As they say, you may not end up where you thought you were going, but you will always end up where you were meant to be.
In memory of Mom – My kitchen is for DANCING. 💃🏽
Poppy with her red balloon