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Decisions, Decisions, and Decisions. Every moment of every day, we make decisions. Our lives are mostly defined by the sum of decision-making and the actions that we make along the way. Most of us are programmed to make decisions based on fear, low self-esteem, and lack of willpower.
The problem is that many people have a "deer in the headlights" moment when faced with a decision. Afraid of making a wrong decision, they end up not making a decision. However, not making a decision is a decision in and of itself - and it's almost always the wrong one. The inability to make a decision can leave you frozen in place when changes are necessary. It can also wreak havoc on your confidence, your happiness, and your overall emotional well-being.
Learn to train your mind to stay focused, confident and optimistic. Stop and think about your options. Let them percolate in our mind and take stock of your strengths and talents, as well as your genuine interests and desires.
What you do is not as important as who you are. Strive to be trustworthy, responsible, and kind, and you will attract like-kind people.
Let me end with this quote:
Why do we have to listen to our hearts?" the boy asked. "Because, wherever your heart is, that is where you will find your treasure."
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