Saturday, August 7, 2021


Hi, Poppy here.  Thank you for joining me on this beautiful Saturday. Here is a short inspirational quote for the day. Enjoy!

Self-growth is a continuous journey of trial and error. The process will test your strength, reveal your weaknesses, and empower you to put yourself first. Keep going, no matter what. Dive deep into answering questions no matter how much the answer hurts. Be honest, open, and be less critical of yourself. You deserve respect and understanding in the process of self-discovery.

Today, I hope this reminder serves you well. Though we may grow at different rates through different experiences. 
Remember, we are all in this together. In a couple of years, you will look back and be so proud of your growth.  Let me end with this quote.

Let us live like flowers.
Wild and beautiful and drenched in sun.
   - Ellen Everett

Come follow poppytheauthor, a country girl at 💛 on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

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