Thursday, September 9, 2021

Trust your Journey

Hi, it's Poppy here.  Thank you for joining me.

Today I decided to share a short story I wrote. I think we all, at one point in time in our lives, need to recreate ourselves.  Like the Byrds song, to everything (turn, turn, turn), there is a season (turn, turn, turn) and a time to every purpose, under heaven.  As I become older, I am more curious and adventurous.  I want to learn as much as I can while I am on this earth. How about you? I hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to leave a comment on where you are in your life journey.

Here I am at the crossroads of my life, needing to change due to feeling bored. Work has not been stimulating enough, so I am investigating reinventing myself.  I have been writing, and it invigorates me, and I feel joyful. But I have noticed I don't want many people around, and silence has become my friend.  I like being out in the country where I can birdwatch and work in a garden.  So today, I have decided to take a country drive and have a picnic. As I drive the country roads, I start to reminisce about all the fantastic things I have done in my life. I can't believe I am only in my late 50's, and the universe bestowed upon me many great opportunities that I eagerly took.  I had several professions.  I worked as a Nurse, Accountant, Trustee/Fiduciary, President of a Land Acquisition Company, Forensic Accountant, started a few businesses, and now I am a writer. I thank the universe with a big smile.  I then turn the volume up on my radio and roll down the windows to let my hair blow in the wind while singing out loud. 

As I start going up hill, I notice a hitchhiker.  Should I pick the hitchhiker up? I pull over and roll down the window. The hitchhiker leans in and says he is going to the next town and is hungry.  I said, sure, hop in. I reach for my picnic basket and pull out a bread roll and a piece of cheese, and he gladly accepts.  The hitchhiker begins to tell his story.  He was married for 20 years, a loyal husband, and loved his wife, then one day, she decided to leave.  All the damn years I worked to give us a comfortable life, and poof, it's all gone in a split second.  After she left, I went through a low self-esteem issue.  Then one day, I woke up and had an epiphany.  I realized I only needed to take care of myself. I started reading self-help books and taking yoga, then thought I didn't need such a big home, so I sold it. I am now beginning a new journey in my life, even though I am in my late 60's.  As I listened, I thought I was the only one recreating my life. I said as I was driving; I am reinventing myself too. We have to remember we are never too old to set another goal or to dream another dream. I chuckled and said, I now have an accomplice.  We both smiled.  I continued driving down the country road.

We drove into town, and we said our goodbyes.  As the hitchhiker jumped out of the car, he turned and said, it was nice meeting you, and I hope to see you around.  I turned and said, trust your journey; no matter how many detours you take or delays you encounter, you will always be led back to where you are meant to be. Cheers, and I drove off.

Poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛
Come follow Poppy on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

Continuing with the Byrds song -  A time to gain, a time to lose, A time to rend, a time to sew, A time for love, a time for hate, A time for peace, I swear it's not too late.

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