Sunday, February 21, 2021

Our Self-Esteem

At one point in time in our lives, we will deal with our self-esteem. A catastrophic life event will happen, and it will set us back.  We must learn to pick ourselves up, dust our knees off and take baby steps.  Do not worry about what other people think.  Worry about yourself.

Maybe our self-esteem was hurt by our dad, mom, brother, sister, or friend, and it probably still resonates in our head. But wait, what do you think about yourself?  Remember, self-esteem is not what other people think of us.  Self-esteem encompasses what we think of ourselves. 

Here is something I had to work through.  I always had high self-esteem until my husband died.  Then it fizzled away.  After putting much focus on my husband because he was ill, I forgot about myself.  I do not regret it, but somewhere down the line, I lost myself.  I had to reconstruct my self-esteem a little at a time.  I was learning to love myself again.  Going for walks, reading, and writing affirmations on stickies.  I wrote one affirmation a day. I then put them on my mirror, kitchen cupboards, refrigerator, and in my apron pockets.  Seeing these daily affirmations assisted me in my self-esteem and thinking positive. I found a jelly jar and started to
fill it daily with positive affirmations.  At the end of the year, I pulled each one out and read them.  Though I cried as I read them, I realized I had become a stronger person and really did not care what other people thought of me.  I am changing the world by being myself.

Here are a few affirmations I use: 

            I am beautifully made

            I am proud of me

            My well being is my top priority

            I add something special to this world

            With each breath, I become calmer, stronger, and confident

Try writing a few of these affirmations and sticking them around your house.  Every day as you pass a sticky with an affirmation, stop, and read it out loud to yourself.  This will make a difference in how you perceive yourself and the day. 

It would be wonderful to let me know how you are doing.  Please leave a comment below.  Poppy thanks you for coming to visit her on this beautiful day.

Let me leave you with this affirmation - I focus on what I can control, and I let go of what I cannot.


Poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛

Come follow Poppy on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and now TikTok.





  1. I felt like you were talking to me here. Loved it!

    1. Robert, easy does it. One day at a time. You are surrounded by really good people and your love of nature will assist you with your healing process. Hang in there. Thank you for the comment. Cool mask. 🌸
