Sunday, February 7, 2021

Mastering your Mind

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

I have been busy working in the garden, the front yard, and around the property trying to keep up with the weeds. A couple of months ago, when the leaves started to fall, I used them as mulch in my garden. The leaf mulch kept my soil temperature warmer in the winter and protected my plants.  It also suppressed the weeds, reducing the number of weeds in the garden and improving the soil fertility as it decomposed. I am a Happy Gardener.

Here is something I want to share with my friends, family, and visitors. 

Controlling your thoughts and mastering your mind.

Our mind is a powerful tool.  When you control your thoughts, it influences the way you live your life. I heard that the average person thinks around 70,000 thoughts a day. Crazy huh.

Let us think of many squatters living in our minds, and they create unhealthy and unproductive thoughts.  What we need to do is be in charge and evict them.  I believe being able to control your mind is a cornerstone of overall health and wellbeing. When your brain is healthy, your body follows, you will reduce your stress levels, energy and improve your focus. Creating a healthy mind is a daily discipline like creating a healthy body. Think of your words as being your daily nutrition. 

The inner critic compares themselves to other people, listens to other people’s words and their expectations. 

The pessimist is always worried about the what-ifs.  Always motivated by fear.

The reactor is triggered by anger, frustration, or pain.  Unhealed wounds from the past.  Any experience that is even closely related to the past will set him or her off.  It can even be a sound or smell.

The sleep depriver is the inner planner, the rehasher the contemplator. 

Why not begin each day by paying attention to your thoughts.  Every day is a new opportunity.  If you are thinking bad thoughts stop and counter the bad with good thoughts. Your mind can be your best friend or your enemy. Sit quietly and allow peace, gratitude, compassion, love, and joy in. The new version of you will be so much better than the old version of you.  Why not be your own best friend.

Let me leave you with this quote – At the end of the day, I’m at peace because my intentions are good, and my heart is pure.


Come follow Poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok


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