Saturday, February 13, 2021

Love is in the Air

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

Love is in the air...Your heart flutters: you smile a lot and think about your loved one all the time, when you are with them you have lots of eye contact, and you genuinely want them to be happy. 

I think love should be something that comes easily, and we should show it all the time. A small daily gesture goes a long way. Maybe a touch on the shoulder or a kiss on the forehead. Growing to love the real person and accepting who they are, with both strengths and weaknesses, can make a wonderful difference in your relationship. It helps it to become a lasting source of comfort, emotional safety, and joy. I don’t think we should wait for Valentine’s Day to show our appreciation.  Sure, a box of candy and flowers are great but let them know you are there for them physically, mentally, and spiritually daily.

Let me share one of my silly dilemmas while being in love. I become forgetful.  I sometimes forget I washed my hair, so I will rewash it. However, the funny and entertaining moments you share will make you crave each other’s presence even more. Did you know people who are in love report they spend, on average, more than 85% of their waking hours musing over their love? Wow! Love is often associated with warm and fuzzy feelings; it can also be a huge source of stress. Being in love often causes the brain to release the stress hormone cortisol. So, if you notice you are freaking out, you may be just in love. 

For the ones who have lost their loved ones.

Valentine’s day will be difficult. Though they may be gone, we keep their memories near and dear to our
hearts. Maybe do something to honor them. Have a piece of cake or a piece of candy they enjoyed. Go to a place where you both loved and sit and think of all the wonderful memories you made with your loved one. Give them thanks.

Let me leave you with this poem.

"The rose is red, the violet's blue,
The honey's sweet, and so are you.
Thou art my love and I am thine;
I drew thee to my Valentine:
The lot was cast and then I drew,
And Fortune said it shou'd be you."

Come follow Poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛 on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

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