Saturday, August 7, 2021


Hi, Poppy here.  Thank you for joining me on this beautiful Saturday. Here is a short inspirational quote for the day. Enjoy!

Self-growth is a continuous journey of trial and error. The process will test your strength, reveal your weaknesses, and empower you to put yourself first. Keep going, no matter what. Dive deep into answering questions no matter how much the answer hurts. Be honest, open, and be less critical of yourself. You deserve respect and understanding in the process of self-discovery.

Today, I hope this reminder serves you well. Though we may grow at different rates through different experiences. 
Remember, we are all in this together. In a couple of years, you will look back and be so proud of your growth.  Let me end with this quote.

Let us live like flowers.
Wild and beautiful and drenched in sun.
   - Ellen Everett

Come follow poppytheauthor, a country girl at πŸ’› on Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Unfair Criticism

Hi, Poppy here!

Thank you for joining me.  Here is a short inspirational quote for the day.

Don't take unfair criticism to heart.  People see your actions and motives through their own lens, and sometimes that lens is scratched by the harsh experiences they have endured.

Remember, it's not about you; it is about them.

Come follow poppytheauthor, a country girl at πŸ’› on Facebook, youtube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Evolve or Remain

Hi, it's Poppy here! 

You are being presented with a choice: evolve or remain. If you choose to remain unchanged, you will be presented with the same challenges, the same routine, the same storms, the same situations, until you learn from them, until you love yourself enough to say “no more,” until you choose to change. If you choose to evolve, you will connect with the strength
within you, explore what lies outside of your comfort zone, awaken to love, and become who you are supposed to be, according to you.  Remember, reinvention is your choice. You have everything you need; it's inside of you. Choose to evolve.  Choose LOVE.

Come follow poppytheauthor, a country girl at πŸ’› on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Choose Happiness

Hi, Poppy here.  

Welcome to Poppy's Blog.

Be happy on purpose.  Look for the rainbow when it's raining.  Find hope even when it's bleak.  Choose forgiveness even when bitterness is easier.  Choose love even when it feels impossible.  Make it a habit to choose joy as much as you possibly can because life isn't meant to be lived in disappointment or frustration.  It's not meant to be lived in hatred.  It's meant to be lived laughing so hard your belly hurts.  Its meant to be filled with soft moments of love.  It's meant to be filled with tight hugs that last a lifetime.  Life is meant to be lived happily.

    -    Walk the Earth

Come follow poppytheauthor a Country Girl at πŸ’›on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok.

Friday, July 9, 2021

Remember growing old is a privilege.

Welcome to Poppy's Blog!

It’s been a while since I have written in my blog. I have been editing page after page where my eyes are pretty much cross-sided. I am working on three books, entered a few short story contests, sent a few queries to literary agents. So this keeps me on my toes.
I always make time to swim and play a little woodoku, and word connect. These games help my brainpower. On the other end of the spectrum is my granddaughter. She is becoming quite the artist. She loves to sculpt in clay, sketch, and paint with watercolors, acrylic. I have many clay sculptures or figurines around my house, and I feel blessed.

Today I am writing about growing older.

As we start to think about retiring, make sure you have a plan.  Our bodies will begin to have health issues, and we find ourselves searching for a new sense of purpose.  Think of a hobby you would like to pursue and reinvent yourself.  Maybe donate your time to an organization.  You can do it.  Close your eyes and think of yourself as a child.  What did you like doing?  Then do it.  Remember growing old is a privilege, not all will experience.  
Our bodies, including our immune system, are not as resilient or hearty as when we were young.  It’s ok.  Try to keep yourself healthy as possible.  The poor lifestyle habits you had in your younger years begin manifesting in your late 50’s and especially in the later years. They show up in diabetes, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, and a host of other conditions.  Try not to let this get you down.  You can start today and reverse some of the damage you have done to your health and body by starting to eat healthy, exercising, etc. Truly make a commitment to yourself.  There are so many new health care trends and technology. 

You will also notice your taste buds disappearing.  Try different spices in your food. Maybe add a little thyme, rosemary, basil, parsley, etc.  Just make sure to stay away from salt. 

Women will notice hair growing in peculiar places but don't worry.  It’s pretty standard because of hormonal changes in our bodies.

Our sleeping pattern changes, and sometimes you will get 4 to 6 hours of sleep. Just remember, a nap around 2 pm is OK.  I take naps every day at the same time.   

Just remember to create a life you love.

Let me end with this quote.  
    In the end, only three things matter; how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things that were not meant for you.

Poppy feels blessed to have many visitors reading her blog.  Merci!

Come follow Poppytheauthor, a Country Girl at Heart, on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, and now TikTok.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

The Flower Box

Welcome to Poppy's Blog!

I am happy to announce I have sent "The Flower Box" to a literary agent in New York.  

It is about a family that lives in a small town.  Their mother is a creative soul who is loving, caring, and compassionate, and on the other hand, their father has demons and carries a lot of anger and rage.

The two daughters watch their mother cater to their father as if he is a child.  The mother blames his anger on herself; if she could have done this or that better. She could never do enough to head off fathers demons.  The destruction of the family starts when he flies off the handle too many times.

The Flower Box holds the secrets that will free the oldest daughter's soul.