Saturday, May 1, 2021

How to Cope with Changes in your Life

Welcome to Poppy's Blog!

I am happy to be back.  Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.  Its been a while since I have blogged.  I had surgery.  I am feeling much better and my energy level is climbing.  Which is wonderful.  This week I had my check-up and the doctor gave me the okay to start walking and working in the garden.

While I rested I started a new hobby.  I took up sketching and watercolor painting flowers. I did have the mafia woodpeckers visiting me in the early mornings and the fox who came by and looked into my glass doorway to check on me.  I have been called "Mother Nature."  Haha!

Today I am writing about "How to Cope with Changes in your Life."

We will always have many life events that we cannot control. How to manage the ebb and flow around us is important.

I have learned to accept that change is a part of life and a process that cannot be avoided. Some changes are easier to accept than others, but the decisions about how to cope with those changes are mine.

Remember the most resilient people see change as an opportunity rather than a monster to fear. Transitions in life allow you to consider where your priorities lie. How do you really want to spend your time on earth? What’s really important to you? Where do you see yourself wasting your time and energy? With a clear sense of your goals and values, you will find your mind and body can be much more resilient when it comes to the stressors of change.

To change is to transform, alter, modify or shift; these are behaviors that I’ve integrated into my life in order to survive emotionally.  I think as we grow older most of us realize that its better to go with the flow than control every situation.  I myself have relinquished my control and power and feel so light and happy.

Finally, give yourself a break. In a time of change, you may feel a little out of control. You may feel like you are not living up to your expectations for yourself. Remember that you are allowed to do less than what is humanly possible. Nothing says you have to function at 100 percent all the time. People make mistakes—it's one of the great things about being human. It's learning from the mistakes that really counts. Make a point to laugh and have fun.   
Let me end with this quote.
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.”– Socrates

Come follow Poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛 on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and now TikTok.

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