Thursday, January 14, 2021

Sharing 5 tidbits of higher consciousness - Happiness

Welcome to Poppy's Blog!

Poppy started her New Year off with a bang.  She took a hard fall and was so worried about her hip that she did not notice the knot in her head.  Poppy ended up having a mild concussion.  She is blessed to have a granddaughter who checks on her daily and a good friend, too.

I would like to share 5 tidbits of higher consciousness.  The following 5 out of 37 tidbits of  higher consciousness were derived from the perennial bestseller “Handbook to Higher Consciousness”, written in 1972 by Ken Keyes. It’s a reference book for being at peace with whatever happens in your life.

As I become older I am becoming wiser. I have learned to walk away from things that don't make me happy.

Here are 5 tidbits of higher consciousness:

1. The only real problem in your life is how you’re using your mind.

2. You always have enough to be happy. It’s the patterns in your head that make you unhappy.

3. View others as unfolding beings in their journey toward higher consciousness.

4. Think of the world as a loving place designed to give you everything you need.

5. You add to the suffering in the world when you take offense, just as much as you do when you give offense.

Happiness comes from within. Start by taking your first step 
away from the things, jobs, or people you know are making you miserable and step towards the people you know that make you happy. That first step walking away is also the first step toward something better. Don’t look back. It’s your life.  It’s not too late.  People will get over it. You’re smart enough. You’re strong enough.  You’re capable enough. If others can do it, if others can have it, so can you.  Start now. 

Let me leave you with this quote.

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.

Come follow poppytheauthor a Country Girl at 💛 on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and now TikTok.

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