Sunday, October 18, 2020

Living and Learning

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

Thank you for joining me on this beautiful Sunday

Here is a story I wrote on Saturday - Living and Learning

While settling in my new home, I planned to start a vegetable garden. I went to hometown nursery in Paso Robles and purchased vegetable seeds for my raised beds.  Mr. Cardinale assisted me at Hometown Nursery.  He was a small framed man, wore a big hat and had a great sense of humor.  I then went to Orchard Supply to buy a weedwhacker.  I didn’t know anything about weedwhackers until my housekeeper’s husband said, they work well.  I had an older fella help me and he said, are you sure you want to buy this?  I said, “yes.”  I purchased the ECHO and extra trimmer line along with the blended 2-stroke oil.  I had been pulling weeds manually.  It was good exercise but 3 acres.  Hmm, lets rethink this.  While I was there, I purchased 120 flower bulbs.  I would plant them around the trees coming up the hill and around the front entrance near the main gate.  It would add a splash of color.

I arrived home and unloaded my car. I put the oil into the weedwhacker and pulled the cord.  It started just like that.  I went down the hill whacking the weeds to the right then came back up and did the left side.  It was easy to use and it was really giving me a workout. My neighbors were sitting on their porch and yelled, “you sure got a lot of energy.”  I said, yes, I do not want the weeds to get the best of me. They smiled as they watched me.  I then made it back up the hill and put the bulbs into my red wagon and headed down the hill to plant them.  I stopped at each tree and planted 12 bulbs near the irrigation line near the tree.  I then went to the front entrance and planted around 30 bulbs to the right and 10 on the left side.  As I walked up the hill, I planted 15 more on the left side in between the lavender plants. The rest of the bulbs I put near my door entrance under the headquarters sign. I would work on the raised beds tomorrow because I ran out of daylight.

That evening, I sat on the patio deck and thought about my friends working in the large firms.  If they only knew about this weedwhacker machine.  Instead of punching a bag at the gym, they could weed whack and be out with nature.  I then chuckled.  That night I slept like a baby.

Let me leave you with this quote – Never stop learning because life never stops teaching.


Come follow poppytheauthor a country girl at heart on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.

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