Monday, August 17, 2020

Another day in the country

Welcome to Poppy's blog!

The last couple of days the weather has been hot.  I soaked my garden and made sure my birds (lesser goldfinch) visitors have plenty of fresh water to take a bath.  

I picked a few tomatoes and put them in a baking pan outside my balcony to make sun-dried tomatoes.

I have been keeping myself busy because it helps me stay positive. I have also chosen my circle of friends wisely. Staying positive is essential to have influences in your life that support you and lift you up instead of dragging you down. I try to eat healthy and keep hydrated. I limit my time on social media and television.  My granddaughter Sophia keeps me busy, too. 

Most of the time I am in my garden, writing, crocheting, and cooking. This year, I am canning and preserving. I really enjoy sharing my bountiful harvest. It makes me happy. My mom would be so proud of me.

Try doing something different this week and sharing with a friend. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog. Please leave a comment, I would love to hear from you.

I will end with this quote.  

“In the end, only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”

                                        Poppy and Sophia


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