Thursday, July 16, 2020

Staying Positive in a Negative World

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

These days I spend most of my time writing and gardening. My granddaughter Sophia loves water like grandma, so we swim almost every day. In the evenings we  ride our bikes or go for hikes. While hiking, I try to identify wildflowers and birds for Sophia. She loves learning about nature.

I did edit a chapter in the “Polona” book. I added a twist on Cimino Kid. He has a run in with a dust storm while riding his horse into town.  His foot gets stuck in the stirrup and the horse drags him. He hits his head on a rock and the young cowboy Tripp finds his bloody body near the trail and takes him into town.  Cimino Kid has substantial head injuries. The doctor announces to the family “only time will tell if he will recover.” Poppy stays with him day and night taking care of him. Cimino Kid survives because of the love that surrounds him.

Now, let’s talk about the things happening in the world. It’s getting difficult to stay positive in a negative world. Negativity spreads faster than love and causes damage to self-esteem. I am a firm believer in choosing your circle of friends wisely. To be able to stay positive is essential to have influences in your life that support you and lift you up instead of dragging you down. Let’s remember our body is our temple so feed it healthy food, exercise and think positive. Remember to limit your time on social media and television.  Plus, don't let things build up inside of you.This will affect you mentally and physically. Take deep breathes and do not make a mountain out of a molehill. Always SMILE.

If anyone criticizes you stay positive because most of the time it is about their unhappiness. These kinds of people are usually insecure and it’s easier for them to do for others what they cannot do for themselves. There are plenty of them out there. Make your own decisions. Again, smile and let it slide off your back. Take it with a grain of salt.

I will end with this quote:  “Be with someone who constantly makes you roll your eyes, but makes you smile right after.”

Now let’s go out and spread positive vibes!


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  1. I love the way your words come together. It puts a smile on my face. Bless you!
