Sunday, May 24, 2020

Music is the strongest form of Magic

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

The weather has been beautiful and we have a nice breeze that comes through in the morning and afternoon. In the morning, I sit and have coffee on my balcony while the woodpecker family have their meetings.  I have been keeping myself busy working in the garden, writing, crocheting, reading, bicycle riding, going on hikes, making masks, and of course watching "BOSCH"  Julie T. said I should check it out.  It has become my favorite series on Amazon.  Thank you, Julie T.  I sometimes treat myself to the "New York Times" and my favorite sections are the Weekend Arts and the Business Section.  Occasionally, I will attempt the crossword puzzle. 

How have you been holding up since the coronavirus outbreak?  I don't mind being at home, I have become a home body.  I also know I must be careful because my immune system was compromised back in 2007 when I contracted "Valley Fever" in Paso Robles, CA.  If I need to go shopping I do it early morning, and if there are too many people in the store, I will not go in.  I changed a few things I do, always wear a mask, keep 6 feet away and if anyone gets too close, I let them know. 

I would like to share a story while growing up on the farm. In times like this we need to cultivate positivity in our lives.

While growing up, my mom listened to all kinds of music and each of us learned to play an instrument. I was in the 3rd grade when I learned to play the flute and piccolo. I played in the school band and my music teacher was Mr. Mora. We had spring and winter concerts. We practiced a lot and my brothers gave me hell.  Our dogs would howl when we practiced. My big brother played the trumpet and trombone, my other brother played the drums and my little brother played the saxophone. One Mother’s Day we put on a concert for my mom. She was “tickled pink” and smiled all day.  Those were the days!

          Those were the days, my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
La la la la...

My mom signed us up for talent shows. We played songs she picked out, and they were not bad. My big brother played the “Lonely Bull, by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass on his trumpet, I played “Greensleeves a folk ballad by Aafje Heynis” with my flute. When I went on stage, I put the music stand up high so that nobody could see my face. Then, Mr. Mora my music teacher would come on stage and fix the stand. In the beginning I was stage fright, then I got used to it.

I now understand what my mother would say about music.  Music touches our soul because it expresses at times what we cannot verbally express ourselves or that it expresses nearly exactly how we feel. Its universal and, therefore, brings us together. It starts with a beat; raindrops tapping against a window, the roar of the ocean as the waves break and rush towards the shore, the beating of our own heart. Music brings me closer to creativity, tranquility, and beauty. I thank my mom for instilling music in my soul. Did you grow up listening to music? If so, what kind?

I will end with this quote “And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music.”

Saturday, May 9, 2020

See the beauty of everyday things

It is up to you to see the beauty of everyday things. It’s easy to get wrapped up in our day to day chores that we forget to see the beauty that surrounds us. In any given moment there is beauty all around us. Sometimes we find it in the details of a flower or in the eyes of our loved one. Never stop looking. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Infuse your life with action

Infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth. 

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Make Happiness a Priority

Its been a while since I've blogged. I have so many good things happening in my life. I am loving the country and the garden has been keeping me busy.  I take evening hikes and spend time crocheting, riding my bike and writing. My granddaughter Sophia has been helping me in the garden. She is determined to grow a 500lb pumpkin and it looks like it is coming along quite nicely.

My “Polona” book is off again, and I am crossing my fingers its final. I had to do away with Cimino Kid and bring on a younger faster and agile cowboy who wears a black cowboy hat and boots. I named him “Trip."  I also have a few more stories on "Nature Special Task Team - Poppy and Marshal." I am going to make it a series.

I also started a biography of my late husband. I have more interviews to do and I am putting the dates and years together. He did so much in his lifetime and its getting interesting.  I did my first history lecture in Paso Robles on the westside. I had a few people from LA and Arroyo Grande. It was nice and relaxing.  At the end, they asked if they could take my picture. They were great. 

I had a disturbing call from my big brother who works at Good Sam hospital.  He asked me if I could make him masks. He said the hospital had him sign out a mask a couple days ago, and he has been wearing the same one for days. I made him several masks and met him in Gilroy. It was nice to see him.  He is so serious and I love him.  I made him smile after he called me "Chata" my childhood name.  I made several more masks for Don Chapin Co., Monterey County Bank, Pezzini Farm, and Lucky's employees who make my coffee in the morning. A big "thank you" to my daughter who cut the fabric and Sophia who ironed the masks. 

Helping others makes me feel good. Giving is not just about making a donation.  It is about making a difference.  We are living in strange times. I hope and pray we find a cure for this virus.  Please be safe.

I will end with this quote.   

"Make happiness a priority and be gentle with yourself in the process."

                                    My little helper 'Sophia"