Friday, January 31, 2020

A simple life is its own reward

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog!

This week went by so fast and I was able to cross out several items on my to do list.  That makes me feel good.  Its progress in action.  This weekend I am attending a one-day writing seminar and it sounds like a lot of fun.  I am also going to celebrate my son-in-laws birthday plus take a fly-fishing class in Nevada.  I need to remember to pick-up my fishing license before class.  I might catch a few rainbow or brown trout.  You never know.  I have a fun filled weekend, ahead.  When I return the movers will arrive and move me to my new destination.  Its off I go into the sunset.  Ha ha!  Do you have any plans for this weekend?
I would like to share another story growing up on the farm in Silicon Valley.

Our little red farmhouse was always bustling with kids.  Our friends or cousins visited and spent the weekend with us.  Everyone wanted to hang out at the farm and help with the chores. We learned how to milk the cow, Sissy.  After milking the cow, my mom poured some into a tub and set it in the middle of the barn.  We would then sit on the haystack and  count the barn cats.  The most we counted in one day was 12.  These cats kept the field mice and rats at bay.  We had several dogs which included 2 dingo's - Pumpkin and Sam, a wiener dog - Sparky, and an Australian shepherd – Peaty Poo.

We also made cheese rounds and took turns holding the cheesecloth which allowed the whey to drain and catch the curd.  My mom lined the large cheese molds and then pressed and bandaged the cheese.  It was then aged in the greenhouse.  This cheese really smelled like feet, but it was good.  Growing up we were pretty much sustainable on our own.   My dad was a baker and made bread and wonderful treats, such as raspberry napoleons and light flaky croissants.  We had 3 grain, 6 grain and 12 grain breads.  We always had meat in the freezer, eggs from our chickens and vegetables from the garden and a few fruit trees.  It was family values and true quality of life.  We did not eat out and my mom was a great cook.
Here are a few things about the olden days.  I think people were more patient and it was a slower pace of life.  Life was simpler.  Things were built to last, people had good manners.  People had more respect for each other.  We did not have to be connected continuously to technology and we talked face to face.  Everything has become faster.  Do you think it has become better?  Maybe the search for advancement has allowed us to let go of key qualities of life that make it so sweet.  One thing I continue to do is have dinner with my family on a weekly basis.  We sit and talk about our week.  My granddaughter Sophia tells us how her week went through a story.  So, we must listen very carefully.

I want to close on this note. Its never too late for us to return to our roots and live a simple life.

Frank harvesting squash..

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Make yourself a priority

Welcome to Poppy’s Blog

I am feeling better today, and my energy level is back.  I have a busy day with errands in town and some year end reconciliation stuff.  Later, I will pick up Sophia and head over to my hairdresser.  I see my hairdresser once a month and I love her.  We catch up on all the gossip and new hairstyles and our family.We went to school together.When I get my hair done it makes me fee attractive and confident. As a little girl I watched my mother wash her face with Noxzema and she sometimes used cold cream, then brushed her shiny black hair that was so healthy, she did this daily before bedtime.  My mother was a very feminine lady.  She looked amazing everyday and wore lipstick chasing the cows, feeding the chickens and taking the animals to auction. She wear jeans once in a while with her boots and also wore polyester pants with an elastic waistband.  Us girls wore the same pants.

My first encounter with jeans was when I got married.  My husband John bought me a pair of dittos. I wore them every so often, but I liked my house dresses more.  As of today, the jeans I did have went to goodwill.  I only wear comfortable not constricting clothes.  When you get to a certain age, comfort is where its at.  I bet there are some comfortable jeans out there, but I won’t bother because I don’t care for jeans.  Dresses are more my style because I am such a girly girl.

Let’s talk about self-care.  We are all running around like chickens with their heads cut off.  Ah, that sounds so harsh.  But think about it.  We have stressful jobs, families, consumed by this so called technology or just too plain busy.  Me-time is usually the last on the agenda.  We always put the needs of others before ourselves.  Believe me it does not work.  Help yourself first.  If you find you have more energy go ahead and help others.  Make sure to get plenty of sleep, stretch or exercise, keep yourself hydrated and eat healthy.  Pick up a book and read, knit, crochet, sing, dance or maybe share Poppy’s blog. 😊 

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit. Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to do something for yourself today!

Let me leave you with this quote.  Glow-Getter, a driven busy woman who strives to achieve her goals in life while attaining a beautiful glow both inside and out.


Monday, January 27, 2020

We are the ones with the messy hair and a sparkle in our eyes

Welcome to Poppy's Blog. 

I realize, as I get older its getting more difficult to rid a cold.  Do you think the strands of viruses are stronger?  Maybe its just my immune system.  The sun has been out the past couple of days and I have been sitting in it.  That helps me.  I have been drinking plenty of fluids to keep myself hydrated.  I also did a little more packing, too.  I am getting excited about my final move.  I like my cottage but Poppy loves the country.  Nature is not a place to visit, it is home to Poppy. 

My afghan throw is just about completed.  I figure it will be around 40x60 inches.  I have used 5 skeins of yarn and need 2 more to complete it. I also caught the tail end of the "History Detectives" on PBS.  It was interesting.  

Here is another story while growing up on the farm.

When living on the farm in Silicon Valley, we could hear the concerts at Santa Clara Fairgrounds and Spartan Stadium.  One concert stands out in my memory.  It was the Jimmy Hendrix concert.  It was a Thursday night and we were eating dinner.  There was a knock at the door, it was several hippies.  They asked if they could camp near the barn.  My mother was agreeable, but my dad said no.  My mom tugged at my dad and said, they are harmless, please let them stay.  My dad finally agreed and turned and said, in a sharp voice, no bonfires because we have barley in the fields, and it will be harvested soon.  They said, ok, sir.  As we looked out of the window we saw them drive off in a Volkswagen with stickers and flowers in the back windows.  That night we heard them singing and playing the guitar.  They sang The Mamas & Papas song: California Dreamin and the Youngbloods, Come on people now, smile on your brother, (Get together.) In the morning, my mom decided to drive us to school.  As we drove by the water fountain, the hippies were bathing in the fountain.  They had flowers in their hair, butt naked and dancing.  My mom said, "don't look" and of course we did.  The traffic at the intersection was at a standstill because of the gawkers. We were late to school, but we had a story to tell along with all our classmates.  That afternoon my mom picked us up from school and we went to the supermarket. The parking lots, streets and supermarket were packed with hippies. The SJ Police were out in full force but the hippies were peaceful.  We arrived home, unpacked and had dinner.  After dinner my mom made popcorn and cut up some carrots.  The music started and we turned off the TV. My sister ran into the bedroom and pulled the purple strobe light from my brothers’ room and put it in the living room.  We put flowers in our hair and danced with our mom, while we ate popcorn and carrots. 

A lot of the so-called baby boomers, Hippies.  They became artists, authors, filmmakers, etc. Music was an important part of their lives, the Beatles helped rock become a universal language which expressed the creativity and energy of the era.  (Hippie Movement Flash)

I will leave you with this quote.  And at the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling.....

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Do what makes your soul shine

Welcome to Poppy's blog.
Last night I had a fantastic time.  Don Chapin invited us to attend the 12th annual Louisiana style crab and shrimp boil.  We had a blast.  Food and great conversation go hand in hand.  My daughter bid on a few silent auction items and won.  Thank you Rick for carrying the baskets to the car.

This quote I am sharing today is one of my all-time favorites.  If you’re not loving what you are doing, then quit what is bothersome and do what makes your soul shine. Go out and find your calling and don’t be a follower. Blaze your own trail, exit right! Stop being a people pleaser and please yourself.  People it’s called 'Self Love."  Try to find the small things in life that make you happy.  For me, its flowers, writing, dresses, sweaters, singing, bubble baths, sunsets and candles.  Only because I am such a girly girl.  We only have one life on this earth.  Buy that red lipstick and wear it.  Go out and get a pedicure and manicure.  Every day when I leave my house, I look in the mirror smile and say, "you look beautiful,” now go out and do something fun and exciting.

Well Peeps.  That’s all for now.  I need to rest because I am overexerting myself. 

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Where focus goes, energy flows

Welcome to Poppy's blog.  I am feeling better today.  Yesterday I rested and did a little crocheting.  I had a visit from a friend who brought me daffodils and a vanilla latte.  That really made my day. Here is a story I would like to share.

I grew up on a farm.  We had many animals and chores to do before school.  The boys had more chores than us girls, but if one of them was sick, they called on me, I was the oldest girl and the next runner up. Omg!  It was a Saturday morning, my brother woke up with a fever.  It was the day the hay bales were going to be picked up in the field and they had no tractor driver.  I heard my mom and dad talking.  Then I heard my name as a volunteer.  I ran into the bathroom.  My mother knocked on the door and said, come on you can do it.  It’s not too bad.  I came out of the bathroom and my mom gave me a tight hug and said you can do it.  She brushed my hair and twisted a pretty ribbon into my braid. I was 9 years old.  My brother helped me up into the tractor.  I could barely reach the clutch and the steering wheel was huge.  I popped the clutch several times and started to cry before I got the hang of it.  Every time I popped the clutch, I could hear my dad and brothers yelling at me because they were standing on the flatbed trailer pulling up the hay bales.  It was an all-day event.  After we finished, my mom came over and gave me her handkerchief and said, “good job, you did not quit." Wipe your tears, wash your hands and go sit with your brothers and sisters.  My tears stopped flowing and I joined at the table with my brothers and my sisters. We all sat, had dinner and laughed.  

Here is the moral of the story.  Never quit because it takes persistence and dedication to move forward.  There is going to be challenges in your life.  Life is an uncertain roller coaster.  We are all going through different things in life at different times.  No one is immune to trials and tribulations of life.  Be gentle with yourself and others. And finally, remember that judging a person does not define who they are, it defines who you are.

Mastering your mind is one of the greatest life challenges of all.

If you like my blog, click on the "FOLLOW" blue button on the bottom left side of the page.  Merci!

Friday, January 24, 2020

Smile...happiness looks gorgeous on you

Welcome to Poppy's blog.  I've had a cold and did not sleep well last night. The tossing and turning kept me awake all night.  Let’s not forget when I awoke, the bed covers where in disarray.  Making my bed was a major task.  I had to stop a few times because I started to sweat and get dizzy.  Now that is just crazy.  I did open the doors and windows to air out the house.  I need to buy some Lysol to spray the house and rid this bug.

I sat and crocheted last night while I watched Vera.  I like her series.  My afghan is really coming along.  Sophia picked the color and it’s a Barcelona yarn.  I remember when I was younger, I tried to crochet, and it became a challenge.  I figured if I can produce 3 granny squares that night, then the following day I can do 4, then the next day 5 and so on.  I was up to 10 squares a night before I went to bed.  Just imagine that. 

In my younger years, I worked in large firms and it was very competitive.  Everyone wanted the corner office with a view.  It was jump over or step on anyone that gets in your way with a smile.  It was kill or be killed, literally.  Here is what I have learned along the way.  In your 20's you are insecure and unsure of yourself.  But your skin and hair is beautiful and glowing.  Then you hit your 30's, you are still trying to figure out who you are and still trying to ground yourself.  Then children come along, and you lose some of your identity.  Then you are on a mission to try and please everyone and be in Control of every situation which eventually you run out of gas.  Then your 40, your hips get wider, breasts hurt, even if you exercise and eat right the weight starts to shift in other areas of your body.  Your hair thins and your skin starts to dry. Plus let’s not forget the hair that starts to grow in weird areas of your body.  It might be an imbalance which causes too much estrogen and too little progesterone. Well dear you have a problem, make an appointment to see your friendly gynecologist.  I can ramble on about this subject, but I know a lot of women get the gist of this paragraph.  If you're a man and reading this please take notes.  Joking!

Since the death of my husband, I have come a long way.  I am in my 50's, and I feel fabulous, sexy and I have more patience with myself.  I march to the beat of my own drum and I am very comfortable in my skin.  In all areas of my life I have found calmness and peace. 

She was either wildly naïve, or dangerously intelligent. 

I look forward to receiving comments. Merci!

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Focus on the good

Welcome to Poppy's Blog.

Today's blog is going to be short and sweet.  I woke up this morning with a cold.  I started sneezing yesterday and my nose was runny.  I had to try and catch it several times.  Ha!  I haven't had a cold in a while, so I am going to rest then reassess.  This quote is from one of my good friends.  You know who you are.

Starting today, I am going to try something different.  I was blogging daily to get the feel for it.  I am really enjoying it. Thank you to everyone who has come to my blog.  You are awesome.  My traffic to the blog has been pretty amazing and I am feeling blessed. I have decided to blog twice a week and maybe once a week post a quote and share a recipe.  

My book query went out the other day.  Now its fingers crossed.  I did some macro-edits (rewrites and making big changes to the plot, and characters) Now, I have been line editing (looking for medium issues, repetitions, accuracy, etc.)  Then I will copy edit.  (Nit-pick for small details like punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc.)  Then I will send it off to my editor to see what he thinks.  Its very important that you do your own editing or the book is not your book its the editors.  I am definitely on a learning curb.  But, I can do it!

The recipe for today is chicken soup.  Well how convenient is that.

I will end here because I need to rest.  When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

The soul is healed by being with children

I am a little late this morning.  I was a bit tired from yesterday.  I had so much fun watching the
children at the Santa Lucia Conservancy.  The weather was perfect.  The children were so excited to be outdoors. They were running, jumping and having fun.  As I watched, I was thinking, these children are our future.  They are so full of life. We need to nurture and teach them everything we know about nature, such as the 4 seasons, trees, birds, flowers, etc.  Their brains are limitless.  Oh, what joy. We take photos as a return ticket to a moment otherwise gone.

Today I have a few errands to run and I need more yarn.  My afghan is coming along.  I did watch a little TV but guess what, I don't remember what I watched.  OMG!  Later today I will pick up Sophia and we will go to the park and then a hike.

Now for a deeper note.  My journey to healing is getting better and I am feeling stronger.  I am back to eating food.  Life is so precious, enjoy the time you are here because soon you will be someone's memory.  Thank you to my family and friends.

She knows who she is.  She just forgot it for a little while.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Surround yourself with happy People

Today I woke up with a bug bite on my neck. Are you kidding me.  I wash my sheets, shake my bed
covers and I got a bug bite.  Really!  Well at least it was not on my face or eyelid.  Last night I got a few boxes packed and crocheted a little more.  Moving is awful but at least I have movers picking up the big items.  So, I am back and forth for now.  I like my rabbit hole cottage but I love the country more. Being in the country makes my heart sing.

I watched a little of the Frankie Drake Mysteries.  I kept thinking of the old movie with Yul Brynner and Ingrid Bergman.  I watched "Anastasia" the movie with my mother.  She liked Yul Brynner.  We even watched "The King and I."  Now that really dates me.  I like old movies.  How about you?

I have plenty of things to do.  I am going on a educational nature walk with Sophia and her class at the Preserve.  Sophia is excited to meet our naturalists. I also need to finish up a book query and send it off to another literary agent.  Fingered Crossed.  My friend Mrs. LaGrange was my mentor.  She always said "if you throw enough papers against the wall something is bound to stick." She was gracious, feminine and made me laugh a lot and smile.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Dreams come true Peeps!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Just another manic Monday

Last night I tried to stay up and watch the FBI TV series.  I like the actor who was in Clueless "rolling with the homies." While I watched TV I did a little crocheting.  I finally could not take it and went to bed.  I slept like a baby on a cloud.  It was a very light cloud I must say.  How was your weekend?

Today's agenda is busy.  I have several meetings and errands to run in town plus I need to trench a
few areas around the house where the water is moving in the wrong direction.  I think I can till the soil and add the organic amendment in the garden.  I also need to get the garden boxes ready for Sophia to paint.  She is a great artist.

I did some closet cleaning.  This time more shoes were tossed.  I also cleaned out the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.  It had shampoos, deodorant, eye drops, nose drops, etc.  It was quite an array of items.  Its called accumulation people!  I closed my eyes and dumped everything. Believe me I had no attachment to the accumulation.  Ha! Ha!

Let your confidence shine pretty.

Enjoy the day.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Sunday the Day to Refuel Your Soul

Today I am up early organizing my closet.  I have a few dresses I need to get rid of along with some
sweaters and shoes.  The other day I noticed I have been wearing
the same dress for 3 days along with my super power writing sweater.  The sweater has a hole in the sleeve and now the pockets are starting to shred. Hopefully it doesn't bother the birds and squirrels in the garden.  How about you?  Do you tend to wear the same clothes?  I heard people that wear the same clothes daily it gives them more time and mental energy to devote to the things they actually care about.  So basically it reduces decision fatigue.  Now, think about that.

I had a nice day with my daughter and Sophia.  We spent the day at several furniture stores.  She finally found her grand furniture.  Since her house is so big, the furniture she had looked like postage stamps in her house.  Now that is funny. I love spending time with them, its not just time but Quality Time.  She is so sure of herself.  Its like looking in the mirror 20 years ago.  I must admit I had a hiccup after my husband died.  I did not know what was up or down and everything was bleak and I landed in a black hole. My daughter and a friend stuck by myside and I thank them.  One day while sitting at the cemetery, I had an epiphany.  I realized I miss him so much and he probably misses me just as much.  He was the greatest treasure that I have ever held. So genuine. True love. I am now moving forward with a happy spirit and have left the past.  I will always cherish the memories we shared, they will never leave my heart.  I am now a new me; I put back my pieces, differently.

Today be fearless and be open to change.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Its the Weekend Peeps!

The weekend sure came fast.  I had a nice date night last night with Sophia.  She taught me how to make music rubbing her finger around the top of her glass of apple juice.  It was quite interesting.  The older people next to us smiled.  Then again, maybe they were annoyed.  Oh well.

As I sit here and sip on my latte wearing my worn out dress that makes me happy, I can see blue skies with clouds.  Its the small things in life.  I hope the sun comes out, so I can sit in it for a few minutes.  The birds are singing and I noticed fighting among the birds.  I guess its called "survival of the fittest."  We did have a few ducks land in a little pond around the house.

Later today I am going outside to scratch the wildflower seeds into the ground.  As time progresses I will help in the distribution of the mature seeds in different areas.  I did mark up an area to plant my sweet peas.  I am looking forward to cut flowers weekly.  I must say I miss my freesias.  I planted 30 bulbs at a friends house.  My goodness, what was I thinking.

What plans do you have for this weekend?  I am going to write, crochet and catch up on "The Art Detectives."  Dr. Bendor Grosvenor and Jacky Klein seek out the work of some of the biggest names in art, lying hidden in local museums and country houses all across Britain.  It is quite interesting in what they find.

Remember to See Good in All Things.


Friday, January 17, 2020

Feeling Fridaylicious

Last night I watched Vera.  Vera is a crime drama series based on novels from Ann Cleeves.  This show has been renewed for a tenth series.  If you ever get a chance to watch it, please do.  Afterwards it was Shetland.  I only watched a little of this show because Scotland weather was making me cold.  Then again, maybe the weather here is colder than usual.

I did a little more crocheting and my afghan is coming along.  My granddaughter Sophia picked out a greenish blue colored yarn.   It will be a perfect lap cover while I sit and write or watch a little tv.

Before I went to bed I used Kind CBD Flowers oil to calm and relax myself after stretching.  It has lavender, peppermint and eucalyptus.  I picked it up from Santa Cruz.  Hey Julie T. this oil really works.

Today I have an early appointment then off to run errands and pick up my granddaughter Sophia.  My son in law had surgery so he is unable to get around.  I don't mind helping because we are family.  That's what family does.

Today I am going to wear my wool sweater and skirt plus some red tights.  You always need a little accent to your wardrobe.  Try to stay warm today.

Peace out!

Thursday, January 16, 2020

If you stand on your toes you can see Friday!

Good Morning.  How was your Wednesday?  I was up a bit early this morning editing pages of the Polona book.  In my dreams, I have visions of how I can edit a section to make it more moving or compelling to the reader.  I want the readers to feel the life and meaning of each character and their surroundings.  After I write or edit, I usually have to take a nap because I am exhausted.  

On another note, today I am spending time with Sophia. I believe its going to rain. Since I could not find my black tights I am destined to wear my blue ones that do not match my outfit along with my wellie boots.  But then again, who does?

Later today I will make my mothers chicken soup in the crock-pot.  I have a full day ahead.  Make sure to bundle up because it's going to be cold.

Focus on the Good Peeps!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Smile it's Wonderful Wednesday

Welcome Wednesday.  What plans do you have?  I have some errands to run and lunch with a friend. Later today I need to finish up the layout for the raised bed garden.  My little helper is ready, Ms. Phia.  I just ordered our seed packets from Burpee.  I am going to grow beets, tomatoes, carrots, sugar snap peas, microgreens, silky sweet turnips, and radish royal purples. 

I still have to figure out where to put my rose bushes, rosemary and the English lavender plants.  I have wildflowers seeds that I saved and will scratch them into the ground this weekend.  I think I will line the driveway with Shasta Daisy, Crazy Daisy.  They are beautiful to look at plus they will reseed themselves.  

There is still many things to do but I am blessed to have my family close to me.  Have an amazing day.

Stay Patient and Trust your Journey.....

A Happy Country Girl!

The Silicon Valley Farm

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Another Rainy Day

Today is Tuesday lets rise and shine.  I made my latte, went out to see if I could find a rainbow. Its going to be a beautiful day. I took this picture early this morning.

I hope it makes you smile.  Toodles!

Monday, January 13, 2020

When life gives you rainy days, wear cute boots and jump in the puddles.

This is my piece of heaven.  I enjoy sitting and listening to the birds sing.